You’re invited to Rimrock Church’s annual Women’s Retreat! 

march 28 to 30, 2025

Our theme this year is Rooted & Released—a weekend dedicated to acknowledging our release from sin as believers in Christ, rooting ourselves in the gifts of Scripture and community, and leaving refreshed & released to thrive in our individual callings.

register now

come for a weekend of restoration & community.

leave feeling full and free.

As women of God in 2025, the weight of the responsibilities, expectations, and unknowns can sit heavy on our hearts and shoulders. We can become exhausted from striving, from mustering up hope, from running the race set before us, unsure of where exactly we’re going. When we serve and live from the well of our strength, in isolation, with false expectations & gospels, we end up wiped out.

We invite you to come away for a weekend of restoration and community specially crafted to fill your cup, spiritually, mentally and physically. Being rooted in Christ allows you to release your burdens and experience a true abundance of life.

what’s included

Biblically-rich, spiritually encouraging teaching from Amy Allender

3 delicious meals provided on Saturday

All-day snacks & coffee

Intimate worship sessions

A wide range of options for breakout sessions, morning devotions, and free time activities.

all attendees receive

two options:

day retreat

weekend retreat



Join us on just Saturday, March 29 for a day of community, worship, fun, and excellent teaching from Amy Allender. 

All Saturday meals included

Optional free transportation from Rimrock Downtown (8:30 am and 9:00 pm departure times, about 20 minute drive from 507 Main)

No overnight stay

2 night stay at Storm Mountain Retreat Center

Sunday breakfast provided

Friday and Sunday worship, teaching, and community time.

registration is now open!

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

romans 8:1-2


friday march 28

5:00 pm

Check in and registration.

7:00 pm

Worship and Session #1

8:30 pm

Campfire and free time.

saturday march 29

8:00 am 

Open breakfast & morning reflection options

9:30 am

Worship and Session #2

11:00 am

Breakout session

12:30 pm 


2:00 pm

Free time with open activities and breakout sessions available

5:00 pm 


6:30 pm 

Worship and Session #3

8:00 pm

Reflection time

8:30 am

Shuttle departs Rimrock Downtown

9:00 pm

Shuttle departs for Rimrock Downtown

sunday march 30

8:00 am 

Open breakfast & morning reflection options

9:30 am 

Worship and Session #4

10:30 am

Final sharing time

11:45 am

Pack up to depart

breakout sessions and activities

Prayer - A Radical Act of Worship

However you connect with God, yourself, and others, there's a place for you at this retreat!

Explore our wide offerings of breakout sessions and activities available for you this weekend.

Prayer is much more than bringing to God your list of wants, desires, and needs. It is a radical act of worship that reminds you of who you are, who God is, and what life is all about. Please join Darlis as she shares the importance, purposes, styles, and miracles of prayer that God has shown her.

Tips and Tricks for Meal Planning

I hated meal planning. It took so much of my time and no one wanted to help with ideas or meals. Let me show you how I plan for feeding my family of 7+ in less than 15 minutes a week. This meal planning hack has been a huge blessing to me and my family. I hope it can be for you too.

breakout session | darlis anderson

breakout session | Noelle Ligtenberg

healthy eating

Nutrition is a basic necessity. We need it to survive. Come hear about ways you can nourish your body that will have a positive impact on your health. We will be exploring these questions: How do you honor God with your nutrition? What is your relationship to food?

breakout session | Chris Schmitt

Get Geeky: the history, cultural context, and etymology of Romans 8

On this nerdy adventure you'll dive deep into Bible geekery to learn about the culture and language of Paul's time in a way that will impact your understanding of Romans 8 as we accurately apply it in the 21st century.

breakout session | amy allender

Hassle-free Hospitality

Hospitality does not equal entertainment. Are you surprised?? Explore Biblical hospitality that is practiced inside and outside of our homes along with getting some recipes, short cuts and inspiration to make mealtimes less stressful and more memorable.

United in Christ, Like Minded in Love

Enjoy creating a mini-booklet and bead project. This craft will encourage you to apply the principles outlined in Philippians 2:1-5 as you communicate with others, especially when differing perspectives exist. We’ll explore scripturally-based principles for bringing unity to our relationships and communities. 

breakout session | diane pippenger

breakout session | gena messer

Walking in the Freedom Christ

How do we walk in the freedom of Christ and what does that mean? This session will discuss practical advice for experiencing a life free from the bondage of sin and in the abundant grace of God, such as: Meditating on the Word, breaking strongholds, recognizing/resisting “intrusive thoughts”.

breakout session | Meagan Green

Spiritual Rhythms for Deeply Rooted Living

Discover the practices Christians have been using for centuries to grow closer to God, and build your own Rule of Life with rhythms that light you up and help you live like Jesus.

breakout session | victoria fuller

free time activities

Breakout sessions will be offered during free time as well as during the pre-lunch session period.

Additional activities: Board games, hiking, guided prayer walk, make-your-own resin jewelry, wildflower craft.

Overnight guest morning activities

Morning prayer pilates (bring your own mat!)

Quiet time guided Lectio Devina


Victoria Fuller

amy allender

friday & sunday


meet victoria

meet amy

I’m a North Dakota based motivational speaker who uses my experiences of being a military spouse, ministry leader, and breaking out of suicidal depression to empower others to improve their mindset and discover a life of greater peace and joy.

 I’m a writer, coach, and brand designer obsessed with walking alongside friends as we live our lives to the full in Jesus’ name. A lifelong church gal, it's my joy to bring my experience as a ministry leader, licensed coach, and disciple of Jesus to help others experience more freedom, abundance, and awareness in their callings, big and small. 

we can’t wait to see you there!

march 28-30, 2025

register now